NLASLPA Maintains Joint Membership
NLASLPA maintains joint membership with Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC). Membership to NLASLPA is obtained by registering for membership with SAC. SAC will forward your membership information along with the appropriate fees to NLASLPA.

Membership Benefits
It is our commitment and mission to provide continuing education opportunities and professional development opportunities to our members including the following:
- Annual NLASLPA Conference & AMM: We host an annual two-day conference featuring a full-day keynote speaker for each of the two professions, and opportunities for networking and socialization. NLASLPA members pay a reduced fee to attend the conference.
- Education Draws: NLASLPA offers yearly education funding draws. Each year members can submit an application for individual education sponsorship.
- Funding to Host Educational Events: We also offer possible funding to help host educational events. Application forms for event sponsorship, as well as information on how to plan and host an educational event, can be found in the membership section of our website.
- Newsletter and Broadcast Email: Our newsletter and monthly broadcast emails keep members up-to-date with information and education opportunities relevant to both professions.
Take a Few Easy Steps
Register Online
NLASLPA membership fees are paid annually. When paying your fees with SAC, you must pay both the provincial and the SAC fee.
Primary Email
The email you use when registering with SAC is the same email NLASLPA will use to make contact with you.
Membership Package
Within 1 month via email our membership coordinator will provide access to your membership package.
NLASLPA does not provide licensure paperwork, renewals, or approvals for S-LPs and AUDs in the province. Licensure in NL is provided through the Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professionals (NLCHP). For more details, please visit:

Volunteer With Us!
NLASLPA is a non-profit association run exclusively by volunteers. We are always looking for motivated members who would be interested in volunteering with our executive, committees, and special interest groups. Would you like to get involved? Visit the “Members Only” section of our website for more information, or get in touch by sending us an email at